Access Your Voice, Release Your Song w/ Michael Stillwater

Published by: janean strong on 09-30-2018

Access Your Voice, Open Your Heart, Release Your Song

Michael Stillwater innovates with music, words, and images.  His life is about ‘returning home’ through the song of the heart and inviting others to do the same.

SongLife: the heading for his creative music and educational work, is about living one’s inner life while being in the world. Through his films, music resources and programs- singing events, seminars, trainings and retreats- he invites people to discover and enrich their own ‘song life’.

Films: His film series, co-created with his wife, psychologist Doris Laesser Stillwater, is entitled ‘In Search of the Great Song’, and focuses on the many aspects of song. Recipient of seven Best Documentary awards from US film festivals, these documentaries are contemplative transmissions which benefit from repeated viewings as visual and audio mediations (they may be viewed online or on DVD)

Music & Spoken Word:
Composer of a large repertoire of chants and healing songs, Michael is also co-author with film composer Gary Malkin of Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying, Care for the Journey: Messages and Music for Sustaining the Heart of Healthcare, and The Heart of Healing,

He is founder of, offering musical services online and on-site, and Song Without Borders, producer of films and other programs applying song to personal and societal transformation, a project of nonprofit Living Bridges of Santa Fe, NM.

Intuitive Music: His intuitive recording artistry provides a unique way for people to feel seen and supported at an essential level. The Honoring is a music healing ceremony which demonstrates empathic connection in a unique and beautiful way. SongSourcing is a method offering a way for anyone to re-connect to their own intuitive vocal expression.

Retreats:  Song Sanctuary Retreats in America and Europe. These retreats are for healing and honoring of the whole being, an inquiry into the nature of living truth, conducted in partnership with Doris. 

Photography: Michael’s landscape and nature photography provides contemplative windows for peaceful reflection.


SongSourcing Gift

Listen on You Tube

Keywords: Inner Harmony, Michael Stillwater, Song without Borders, Songlife

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