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Quantum Biofeedback w/ Ryan Williams

Quantum Biofeedback w/ Ryan Williams

Ryan Williams is the founder and developer of The Insight Health Apps, a group of mobile health applications, the flagship of which is the Genius Insi...

VibroAcoustic Therapy & More w/ John Hill

VibroAcoustic Therapy & More w/ John Hill

John Hill is passionate about VibroAcoustic Therapy (VAT)… and for good reason. He has facilitated over 5,000 VAT sessions. VibroAcoustic Therapy ut...

13th Klanmother Karen McDonald

13th Klanmother Karen McDonald

Karen McDonald is a klan tribe mother, a registered nurse, quantum biofeedback practitioner and trainer and an amazing healer. Karen has been passion...

Nancy Hopkins Bonus Chat

Nancy Hopkins Bonus Chat

I asked Nancy if she would record a short (haha) chat to share more about her knowledge about C-60. How is the C-60 in Shungite different from the C-6...

Cosmic Reality & Shungite P2 w/ Nancy Hopkins

Cosmic Reality & Shungite P2 w/ Nancy Hopkins

Nancy Hopkins is an author of books about subjects once considered “conspiracy theory” that are now considered factual renditions of reality. Sinc...

Cosmic Reality & Shungite P1 w/ Nancy Hopkins

Cosmic Reality & Shungite P1 w/ Nancy Hopkins

Nancy Hopkins is an author of books about subjects once considered “conspiracy theory” that are now considered factual renditions of reality. Sinc...

Deuterium and more w/ Dr. Stephanie Seneff

Deuterium and more w/ Dr. Stephanie Seneff

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT. Since 2008 She has focused her research interests on the impact of nutritional deficienci...

Brad's Geopolitical Viewpoint w/ Brad Johnson

Brad's Geopolitical Viewpoint w/ Brad Johnson

Brad Johnson retired as a Senior Operations Officer and Chief of Station with the CIA’s Directorate of Operations. Mr. Johnson is a certified senior...

Natural Remedies You May Not Know w/ Klanmother Karen McDonald

Natural Remedies You May Not Know w/ Klanmother Karen McDonald

Karen McDonald is a klan tribe mother, a registered nurse, quantum biofeedback practitioner and trainer and an amazing healer. Karen has been passion...

Inner Medicine w/ Kerri Hummingbird

Inner Medicine w/ Kerri Hummingbird

Years ago I found the end of the rope and took a leap of faith to follow Spirit. I found the courage to walk away from everything I had built up until...

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